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Our Preschool Classrooms (2 years, 9 months to 5 years)

The Guild of St. Agnes strives to provide your preschooler a fun, loving, safe, and engaging learning environment. During these crucial developmental stages, we provide your child with the quality care they deserve. Communication is a high-priority, and our teachers use our FAMLY app to communicate with you regarding your child’s daily activities. All of our preschool teachers and programs are licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). 

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Classroom Ratios:    1 Teacher to 10 Preschoolers                                             2 Teachers to 20 Preschoolers

Our Preschool Classroom Locations:

Preschool Classroom Daily Activities

Our preschoolers are served 3 meals each day, Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack. Each meal is served within USDA compliance. Menus are provided to parents on a weekly basis. Your child’s meal will be recorded in your child’s FAMLY app daily activities note. 



Circle time is a group activity where children interact with the teachers and each other. Circle time is used to review the calendar, weather, sing songs, and learn. Developing social/emotional skills, practicing focus, strengthening counting skills, and engaging with activities are some of the many benefits of group time.


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Small group activities are available for your preschooler. These activities allow children to experience their interests in a smaller area such as dramatic play, block area, house area, science area, book area, arts & crafts area, and technology area. Our small group activities feature toys and materials to enhance your child’s learning experience within that area. Children can practice reading, writing, cognitive skills, critical thinking, fine motor skills, and much more during these activities.


Literacy is an important component to a child's development. We make sure that every classroom has a wide variety of accessible books for your child. Reading promotes cognitive development, improves imagination & creativity,  increases concentration & listening skills, and strengthens bonds. Books help children learn: new things, communication, empathy, language, focus & memory, and vocabulary. 



Your child’s health and wellbeing are our top priority. We ensure classroom cleanliness and proper sanitizing techniques throughout the day. Your child will be changed regularly, and diapering occurrences will be recorded in your child’s FAMLY app daily activities note. Teachers will work in partnership with parents through the potty-training process.


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Our preschool programs offer fun and safe outdoor play time daily. Our playgrounds feature developmentally appropriate climbers, slides, tricycles/ride-on toys, sandboxes, balls, and toys. The outdoor spaces allow children to safely exert energy, play games with peers, and enjoy the fresh air!


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Being a preschooler can be exhausting! We offer our preschools quiet rest time to relax, reset, and decompress from the day’s fun excitement. Preschoolers are each assigned their own cot for resting in a quiet, low-light, comfortable environment. 


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